Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Daily News Bulletin


Attention all 8th graders!  If you are interested in attending a once in a lifetime trip to the East Coast this next summer, please pick up an info packet from your history teacher.  We will be holding a parent information meeting TOMORROW at 5:30 in the multi. Don’t wait or it may be too late.

Calling all computer users: Do you have an interest in coding and would like to learn more about it? Or maybe just explore what coding really is? Stop by room 807 This Thursday during second lunch for a chance to explore the basics, come by and see what you can create.

Since there is no school on Friday, the Chilton Classic Movie Club will be meeting today (Thursday) to finish Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Room 607 for first lunch and room 804 for second. Be there. Good day. I said good day, sir!

Attention 6th graders: Today we will be having the First WEB Wednesday. Stop by room 807 after school and stay until 4 o’clock for a place to get help, study, and complete homework with experienced WEB leaders and classmates.

Bobcats – next Tuesday, September 17, bring your family to Chick-fil-A on Pleasant Grove for our Chilton Night Out. Teachers and staff will be on hand to serve you. Visit between 4 – 7 pm (including Drive Through) and 10% of all sales will be donated to Chilton.

Hey Bobcats!  If you are interested in auditioning for the Spring Play, we will be having an informational meeting (just students) right after school at 1:55, Monday, Sept. 16th in Mrs. Donahue’s room-Room 802.  Hope to see you there!

Would you like to earn 3 Bobcat Bucks or more? Come to the library and make 3 NICE Halloween cards for U.S. soldiers, and you can earn 3 Bobcat Bucks! Please come by and help spread some cheer to those serving our country.

Bobcats – remind your parents that this Friday, Sept. 13th, there is no school.  It is a training day for all teachers. Enjoy a 3 day weekend.

Attention!  If you have study hall this afternoon, it will be held in Mrs. Donahue’s room (room 802).