Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
8th graders, your promotion dance is on Thursday, May 23rd. There will be pizza, dessert, raffle prizes, and a photo booth. Come buy your tickets at lunch today for $5! You won’t want to miss it!
Attention 7th Graders: if you are interested in going on the East Coast trip next year and you were unable to make the meeting before, there will be an informational meeting TONIGHT (Wed) at 5pm in the multi.
6th & 7th girls: If your interested in attending the GIRLeader Empowerment Camp, a week of activities this summer from KidsFirst, stop by the school counselor office for an application. Applications are due June 10th to KidsFirst.
Were you part of the yearbook team that put together this year’s amazing book? If so, join Mrs. McGee today for a lunch celebration in room 804.