Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
Attention Bobcat families: Do you love art? Do you love music? Then you are invited to attend our annual Chilton Art Show on March 9, 2019 from 6-8 pm at the downtown Roseville Public Library, 225 Oak Street. All Chilton families are invited to attend the show. Hope to see you there. See Mrs. Murray with questions.
If any of you talented, artsy Bobcats has a work of art you would like to have on display in the Art Show, please submit it to Mrs. Murray by February 25th.
No Minecraft Club Wednesday.
Interested in being in Leadership next year? If so, pick up an application in the front office, or from room 801 or 803. Applications are due Thursday, February 21st by 3:30 p.m.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad the color splash rally is coming up this Friday?!? Tomorrow it’s time to blend in by wearing camo or your best camo colors. Friday is our class color day. Sixth graders wear orange, 7th graders wear blue, and 8th grade wears white! It’s going to be awesome!
Do you like donuts? If so, start saving and turning in your Box Tops to the library! We will be collecting Box Tops in the library from now through February 22nd. For every 25 valid Box Tops you turn in, you will receive one donut on February 28th. Start saving your Box Tops!