Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Daily News Bulletin
Lunch intramural volleyball playoffs continues today with semi finals. Good luck to all teams.
Attention 7th graders!! If your parents were unable to attend the 2021 East Coast trip meeting, you can pick up a registration packet from Mrs. Hayden’s room, 608.
Silent Auction Bidders – please check the bulletin board outside the multi and find the teachers that have your winning bid! Make sure to bring your Bobcat Bucks!
CJSF Members – Don’t forget you must turn in your 4 completed volunteer hours to Mrs. Sterdt by Friday, February 21, 2020, to be eligible to apply for trimester 3. There will be NO MEETING to collect forms – you may stop by room 606 any day before or after school.
Attention current 6th and 7th graders interested in playing flag football next year there will be a meeting in Mr. Kelley’s room on Thursday at 8:50am. See you there!
Nature Club – we will meet today after school.