Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Daily News Bulletin


Lunch intramural volleyball league will continue at lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

The Great Kindness Challenge Results are in!  There were 355 students in 23 PAW classes that completed 7,107 acts of kindness. Great job Bobcats!  And the PAW class with the most acts is…Mrs. Stark with 1,268 acts of kindness. Congratulations everyone!

Attention 7th graders!!  This Thursday at 6:oo pm in the multi, we will be holding our parent meeting for the 2021 East Coast Trip.  It is very important to attend if you are interested in attending this trip during your 8th grade year. Space is limited so don’t miss out!

Silent Auction Bidders! If you want to know whether you won your bid, please go to the bulletin board outside the multi and see if you were successful. If you are, you will need to go and see that teacher or teachers and turn in your Bobcat bucks and be ready to have a good time. Remember, if you won, you are to go to that teacher to turn in your Bobcat Bucks. Congratulations!

Hey, hot chocolate lovers!! Do you still have bobcat bucks left over after the auction? This Friday, hot chocolate and a sweet treat will be available in the multi-purpose room for just 3 bobcat bucks. We’ll see you at 8:30 to get your day off to a chocolatey start.

CJSF Members – Don’t forget you must turn in your 4 completed volunteer hours to Mrs. Sterdt by Friday, February 21, 2020, to be eligible to apply for trimester 3. There will be NO MEETING to collect forms – you may stop by room 606 any day before or after school.