Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Daily News Bulletin
6th graders, there will be NO WEBSday Workday today. We’ll see you again after the break.
Bobcats starting today you can sign up for the dodgeball tournament that will take place in January. Get your team of 8 – 10 together and bring 5 bobcat bucks to sign up in the multi. You don’t have to have a full team to sign up. Small groups and individuals can sign up and will be placed on teams. Join the fun!
Get your ugly Christmas sweater ready! This Friday, don your favorite holiday apparel to celebrate our last day together before the end of 2018. Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Attention 2nd round Spelling Bee contestants: Please meet in room 802 (Mrs. Donahue’s room) TODAY at lunch to complete your second spelling test. Good luck!