Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
Attention all 8th graders! If you are interested in attending a once in a lifetime trip to the East Coast this next summer, please pick up an info packet from your history teacher. We will be holding an information meeting September 12th at 5:30 in the multi. Don’t wait or it may be too late.
Our GLOW dance is this Thursday, August 29th! You can purchase tickets for $5 this week during lunch.
Wear your neon colors to school for a special spirit day, then be ready to GLOW that night at our dance from 4-6 p.m. The Snack Bar will be open and selling pizza, chips, candy, cookies, soda and water. We will also have Cowtown Creamery selling delicious treats. You don’t want to miss it!
Hey Bobcats! Dumblebore’s Army will now meet during Lunch A AND Lunch B every Thursday. For Harry Potter fun, come to room 704 during Lunch A and room 808 during Lunch B. Hope to see you there!
Attention 8th graders – it is time to apply to CJSF. California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) is Chilton’s only honor society. Online applications are available in the special CJSF Google Classroom. Swing by room 606 to grab the code and get your online application turned in right away because our first meeting and officer elections will take place BEFORE SCHOOL Friday, August 30, 2019, at 8:45am in room 606. Sorry 7th graders, you will be eligible to apply in trimester 2.
8th graders who have expressed interest in running for CJSF office – be sure to check your Google classroom for the officer election sheet that Mrs. Sterdt sent to you.