Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
Hey Bobcats – Snowie King will be on campus after school today and they will be staying for the 7th grade Football tournament. They will be back again on Wednesday selling their shave ice during the 8th grade Football tournament. $3 for a small and $5 for a large. You’ll find them set up by the front bike rack.
Come to Room 708 today at second lunch for book club! Hang out, eat snacks, talk about books. Come join!
The yearbook art contest deadline is almost here. Get your artwork into Mrs. McGee by tomorrow’s deadline.
WEB Wednesday is tomorrow 6th graders. Stop by after school and get your work done, study, or get more organized with other students and WEB leaders.
Attention Chilton Cross Country team. If you are not moving on to the Finals this week then it is time to return your washed jersey to Coach Ratcliff.
8th Grade football team- yearbook needs a group photo of you. Meet in Mrs. McGee’s room, 804 Thursday morning at 8:20.
The 7th grade flag football team is playing in the league playoff tournament today here at Chilton! Come out and support our team. Entry is $1 for students and $5 for adults. Good luck Bobcats!
Calling all Dodgeball Teams…Turn in your team form with 3 Bobcat Bucks to your PE teacher. All teams need to come to the meeting this Friday in the Gym at lunch. Games begin Tuesday October 15th.