Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Daily News Bulletin


Are you artistic? Do you love drawing? Yearbook is looking for your art! It is time for our annual art contest. Get a flyer from your first-period teacher, or Mrs. McGee in room 804. It has all the rules and information. Your artwork is due next Wednesday, October 9th. We will return it to you soon after the 9th.

Hey, Classic Movie Club goers.  Are you part of Lunch B and missed your movie last Friday?  If so, Mrs. McGee will be showing last week’s part of The Great Escape today during Lunch B in room 804.

Bobcats: Thank you for making 203 Halloween cards for U.S. soldiers! Way to go! They have been mailed off and we are all done making Halloween cards for soldiers. Thank you again!

Hey 6th graders, looking for somewhere to collaborate with your classmates and learn from other students? Stop by WEB Wednesday tomorrow in room 807 after school. Our WEB leaders can help you study, complete assignments, or just get organized.

Hey Bobcats: Chilton boys basketball tryouts start next week.  For those interested in trying out for basketball , there will be a  meeting today at lunch in the gym. Again, boys basketball meeting today in the gym at lunch.

7th grade girls Volleyball beat Cavitt yesterday in the tie breaker game.  All the girls played outstanding hustling for the ball and never giving up.  Keep up the good work ladies.

The 8th grade flag football team played at Cavitt last night.  The team had great play all around and won. The 8th grade team went undefeated in league play and is now working hard to get ready for the playoffs next week.  Nice job Bobcats!

Who loves DODGEBALL??? Coming in October we will have an indoor  Dodgeball Tournament during Lunch A and Lunch B.  Start forming your teams. You will need 3 bobcat bucks per player for your team to enter.  Games begin Tuesday October 15th.

CJSF Students – Field trip permission forms for our visit to Junction Elementary are due to Mrs. Sterdt by Monday, October 7th. Missed the meeting? See Mrs. Sterdt for a form ASAP.