Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
Last call for art pick up. If you had art in the art show, and you want it back, come by Mrs. Murray’s room today Tuesday May 21 at lunch. Thank you.
8th graders, your promotion dance is on Thursday, May 23rd. There will be pizza, dessert, raffle prizes, and a photo booth. Come buy your tickets at lunch today for $5! You won’t want to miss it!
Hello Chilton Track team. It’s the final call for jerseys. Today is D-Day. You might want to call home for your jersey because lunch detentions will be handed out for tomorrow.
Today is the first day of the flag football spring camp! We are playing rain or shine. If it is raining, please meet in the gym. If you have not turned in your signed paper please hand it in to Mr. Dunn or Mr. Field.
6th and 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball next year come to a informational meeting Wednesday during lunch in the gym
Were you part of the yearbook team that put together this year’s amazing book? If so, join Mrs. McGee tomorrow (Wednesday) for a lunch celebration in room 804.