Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Daily News Bulletin


Attention Bobcat families: Do you love art? Do you love music? Then you are invited to attend our annual Chilton Art Show on March 9, 2019 from 6-8 pm  at the downtown Roseville Public Library, 225 Oak Street. All Chilton families are invited to attend the show. Hope to see you there. See Mrs. Murray with questions.

Attention Foods Around the World Club, please meet tomorrow in Mrs Pajcin’s room at lunch to plan our St Patty’s Day feast!

CJSF Meeting Thursday at lunch!

Goooooo Chilton!  Today is the day for the first track practice.  Be sure to change into your running clothes after school and then meet at the planter boxes.  Should it be raining, meet in multi-purpose room. Again, the first track practice is today after school.

Special shout out to the 148 Bobcats who voted to help us choose our next dance theme.  We had a clear winner, getting 55% of the votes. We hope you’ll plan ahead to join us for our Starry Night dance, which will be on March 29th from 4-6 pm.  Listen for more information about the dance, coming soon to a bulletin near you.

Bookclub meets today at lunch in room 804.

Bobcats – Friday is Spring Picture Day.  All 8th graders will have their picture taken during their PE class for their promotion certificates.  6th & 7th grade students you will only have your picture taken if you are purchasing Spring photos. Order envelopes were sent home yesterday and are also available in the office.