Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Daily News Bulletin


Hey bobcats – do you love to doodle? Do you have a collection of gel pens that you are dying to use at any opportunity? Have you seen pinterest-worthy notebooks and wondered, “how do they do that?” Come hang out in Mrs. Andersen’s room during 1st lunch on Wednesdays! Bring your lunch, your markers, and hang out for a relaxing time of doodling and creativity! All are welcome!

Attention creators: Today is the first day of STEAM Club. Stop by today at 3:30 in room 807 to build and challenge each other.

Intramural Volleyball will continue today and tomorrow.  If you have a team, please eat your lunch first than come into the gym 10 minutes after lunch starts for your scheduled game. 

Hope you brought $5 and your ID today because we are selling dance tickets in the multi at lunch. come and have some fun with your friends. The dance is this Thursday, January 23rd from 4:00p.m. to 6:00p.m.

CJSF Members – YOU ONLY HAVE ONE DAY LEFT TO TURN IN YOUR IMAX FIELD TRIP FORMS! Forms and payment are due to Mrs. Sterdt by TOMORROW (Wednesday, January 22nd). Sorry, no exceptions will be made for late forms.