Thursday, September 26, 2019
Daily News Bulletin


Congratulations to the 8th grade girls volleyball team.  They won in 3 games last night against Glen Edwards. The girls have a record of 4 and 1.  Keep it up Ladies!!!

Who loves DODGEBALL??? Coming in October we will have an indoor  Dodgeball Tournament during Lunch A and Lunch B.  Start forming your teams. You will need 3 bobcat bucks per player for your team to enter.  Games begin Tuesday October 15th.

Attention CJSF Members! – Please mark your calendars to attend a brief meeting before school TOMORROW, Friday September 27th at 8:30am. We will be discussing our upcoming trip to read to the Junction Elementary kindergarten classes. If you can’t make this early morning meeting, stop by room 606 and pick up a permission form from Mrs. Sterdt.

While the 6th graders are at Science Camp, Steve McQueen and his friends are still in a Nazi POW camp. Watch them continue to plan their escape tomorrow during second lunch in Mr. Fry’s room (607) for Chilton Classic Movie Club. The first lunch movie club will be rescheduled when Mrs. McGee comes back from camp.

Are you artistic? Do you love drawing? Yearbook is looking for your art! It is time for our annual art contest. Get a flyer from your first-period teacher, or Mrs. McGee in room 804. It has all the rules and information. Your artwork is due October 9th and we will return it to you soon after the 9th.

Last night the 7th grade flag football team played against Glen Edwards.  They had great blocking from the entire offensive line!  The 7th grade team won and went undefeated in league and is now working hard to get ready for the playoffs.  The 8th grade team played against EV Cain and had great downfield blocking from everyone. The 8th grade team won and is looking to finish their league games strong on Monday against Cavitt.  Way to go Bobcats!

Calling all Allies! This Friday, September 27th we are going to kick off this school year with our first lunch gathering! If you have Lunch A, head to Ms. Garcia’s class in 702, and if you have Lunch B, head to Ms. Andersens’ class in Sci 5! Don’t know what it means to be an Ally? Come on by and see how awesome it can be – all are welcome!