Thursday, October 17, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
Hey bobcats, do you like hip-hop? If you are interested in joining Chilton’s very first dance team, come to the outside stage, at lunch, this Thursday for a 10 minute informational meeting. ALL grades are welcome, boys and girls! Selena Holguin will be holding the meeting for both lunch A and B. So bring your lunch and come to get all the information! See you then!
Dodgeball- Games in the Gym at lunch.
Volleyball girls please remember to turn in your washed jersey’s as soon as possible. Thank you
It is time to fire up the next season of the 5K Running Club. We meet up Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Today after school will be our first run. See Mr. Ratcliff to pick up the required paperwork.
CJSF Members – If you need volunteer hours to meet your trimester 1 volunteering requirement, check your school email for details about helping at Junction’s Fall Carnival. Questions? See Mrs. Sterdt ASAP.
Attention Members of lunch B: Stop by room 807 at lunch for coding club today to see what’s new!
Coffee orders are due next Tuesday! Just a few more days to take your final coffee orders to earn your class doughnuts and pizza party.
Also special coffee announcement for Mrs. Feller’s class: you are behind Mr. Guerrero’s class. We can’t apologize for facts so get out there and sell!
Hey, Bobcat Bucks holders! Save three Bobcat Bucks for next Friday morning and come to the multi-purpose room for some hot chocolate goodness! Save the Earth and bring your own cup, or get a cup that morning!
Tom and Dick have collapsed. The only hope for the hundreds of POW’s trying to escape from a Nazi camp is Harry. Come and see if Steve McQueen can stay out of the cooler long enough to help his fellow prisoners get out as we get closer to the exciting finish of The Great Escape in the Chilton Classic Movie Club TODAY!. Lunch A is in 607 and lunch B is in 804. Be there or it’s the cooler!
WEAR PINK TOMORROW to support the fight against Breast Cancer.