Thursday, January 17, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
Alright Chilton… so far you have collected a total of $561.42 for our Pennies for Patients fundraiser. That’s a great start, but we need your help to reach our $6,500 goal by February 1st! To help inspire you to bring in your change, we’re going to add a fun bonus! For every $500 you bring in, we’ll add a lucky teacher’s name to the makeover list! That’s right… they’ll be getting all dolled up with some fabulous make up, which will be applied by a fellow BLINDFOLDED teacher! Talk about on fleek. Since we’ve passed our first $500 goal, Mrs. Burak is officially on the list. Let’s end the week above $1000, so we can add Mrs. Anderson! Keep those donations rolling in!
During our coin drive for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, we want to bring awareness to other types of cancers as well. This week we’re focusing on LUNG CANCER. Did you know that 1 in 15 people in the US are diagnosed with lung cancer in their lifetime?
This Friday, wear black and white to show your support for people that are fighting this type of cancer.
Last night three of our AWESOME students were honored at the Elk’s lodge for their Essay submissions for Red Ribbon Week. Each were awarded a gift card and were treated to a spaghetti dinner. Great job Bobcats. We are so proud of you.
Good Morning Young Witches and Wizards! If you are curious about what career would suit you in the wizarding world, come to Harry Potter club. We are meeting in Science Lab 5 at lunch. Hope to see you there!
The Dodgeball tournament begins tomorrow during lunch but there is a mandatory meeting for all players today at the beginning of lunch in the gym. We will go over all the rules and how the tournament will be set up. ALL PLAYERS MUST ATTEND! Check your team roster outside of room 701. See you at lunch.
Looking for a place to hang out with your friends at lunch? Head to We Dine Together at lunch today in room 805.