Thursday, December 5, 2019
Daily News Bulletin


Hey Bobcats! If you would like to earn some Bobcat Bucks and do some good in the world, come by the library! Write a NICE letter to Santa Claus and Macy’s will donate one dollar to Make-A-Wish Foundation. We are hoping to reach 100 letters to deliver to Macy’s by December 20th.

Dance team will meet today (Thursday) after school in Mrs. Andersen’s room. We will finish our shirts and look forward to hearing your ideas and working on our dance! See you there! 

5K Club members, don’t forget that we will not be running today.  We will continue next Tuesday. Again…5K Club will NOT be running today.  All runners should go home after school.  

7th and 8th graders – If you are interested in joining CJSF, Chilton’s only honor society, you will find the new applications in our special CJSF Google Classroom. The code to join our Google Classroom is: kvy0rd. The trimester 2 applications will use the newly approved grading guidelines. Applications are due by December 17, 2019. Questions? Mrs. Sterdt will be holding a meeting THIS FRIDAY, December 6 at 8:30 am in room 606.

It’s almost time again for the Chilton Classic Movie Club to get together. Come to room 607 during first lunch or 804 during second lunch to continue Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window. See you at the movies!