Thursday, August 22, 2019
Daily News Bulletin


Attention all 8th graders!  If you are interested in attending a once in a lifetime trip to the East Coast this next summer, please pick up an info packet from your history teacher.  We will be holding an information meeting September 12th at 5:30 in the multi. Don’t wait or it may be too late.

Hey Bobcats, please make sure you have a book to read each day for PAW period.  If you don’t have one, stop by the library during the last 15 minutes of lunch to get one. The library is also open before school so make sure you are prepared.  Thank you.

Snowie King will be here today after school. $3 for a small or $5 for a large to get your shaved ice on!

You’ve gotta ask yourself one question… Do I feel lucky? Well, do you… Bobcats? Well, you definitely ARE lucky, because Ms. McGee and Mr. Fry have a great new club for you. Come to the Chilton Classic Movies Club every Friday to watch great movies. Lunch A is in room 607, Mr. Fry’s room. Lunch B will meet in room 804, Mrs. McGee’s room. It starts tomorrow, because after all, tomorrow is another day.

Hey Bobcats! Are you looking for something to do during Lunch A? Join us this Thursday for Dumbledore’s Army in room 704. Have fun as you are sorted into your house, play quidditch, and compete for house cup. We hope to see you there!

Tickets for our first dance are available for purchase today at both lunches in the multi-purpose room for $5.  Wear your neon colors to school next Thursday, August 29th for a special spirit day, then be ready to GLOW that night at our dance from 4-6 p.m. Hope to see you there! Bring your ID card with you to purchase tickets for the dance.

Attention 8th graders – it is time to apply to CJSF. California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) is Chilton’s only honor society. Online applications are available in the special CJSF Google Classroom. Swing by room 606 to grab the code and get your online application turned in right away because our first meeting and officer elections will take place BEFORE SCHOOL Friday, August 30, 2019, at 8:45am in room 606. Sorry 7th graders, you will be eligible to apply in trimester 2.