Monday, January 13, 2020
Daily News Bulletin


Hey bobcats – do you love to doodle? Do you have a collection of gel pens that you are dying to use at any opportunity? Have you seen pinterest-worthy notebooks and wondered, “how do they do that?” Come hang out in Mrs. Andersen’s room during 1st lunch on Wednesdays! Bring your lunch, your markers, and hang out for a relaxing time of doodling and creativity! All are welcome!

Hey Bobcats! Are you looking to get involved in sports? Our lunchtime intramural sports start TOMORROW! All teams please meet in the gym at lunch on Tuesday and let the games begin! If you are still interested, what are you waiting for, get a roster form from Mr. Kelly or Mr. Beaman.  We need at least one more team for lunch B.

Next Thursday, January 23rd, from 4-6 pm we are having a Winter Wonderland Dance. You don’t want to miss it! There will be dancing, dodgeball, volleyball, games, and raffle prizes. The snack bar will be open and Cowtown Creamery will be selling yummy treats!!! You can purchase tickets starting this Wednesday during lunch for just $5!