Friday, November 15, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
Young Writers… It’s not too late to join NaNoWriMo. If you have a novel that has been sitting in your head for years that you’ve yet to write or if you wanted to keep writing when you were doing your narrative, this is for you. Come to Mr. Fry’s room (607) for first lunch or Ms. Von der Lohe’s room (603) for second lunch every Tuesday and Thursday until December to write, share, and discuss your very own novel with other students and teachers.
Bobcats: there are over 200 library books overdue! Please come into the library today at lunch to renew them or turn them in.
Raise your hand if you heard Sheefel People’s rap on the Paw Print Press? Well, great news, Sheefel People’s rap hit is the number 1 hit on the Bobcat Billboard. Congratulations Sheefel People! Hopefully rapper Chicago Kelley can make it to hit number 100 soon!
In sports news, the boys basketball teams took on Creekview last night. The 7th grade team had some very difficult competition, but with a great team effort they were able to pull out the victory. The 8th grade team battled tough and were in the game the entire time, but in the end Creekview won.
The Chilton Classic Movie Club will be continuing Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window today in room 607 for first lunch and room 804 for second. Don’t miss it!
On Friday, November 22nd, we are having a special spirit day. Wear plaid to show your school spirit!
The Chilton Dance team will meet in Sci 5 this week to decorate our T-shirts. We will also be doing some dancing so feel free to change right after school. See you there!