Friday, May 3, 2019
Daily News Bulletin


ASB officer candidates: today is the last day to get your posters and campaign materials approved by Ms. Smith or Mrs. Morgan.  Only a handful of students have done this! Are you going to be hanging posters or passing out materials? Make sure to visit 801 or 803 by the end of the day today to show us your advertising plan.

Attention 8th Graders: If you would like to give a speech at the promotion ceremony, turn in a draft of your speech to Mrs. Allison by Friday, May 10th. Questions? Stop by room 604 at lunch or before school.

Bobcats:  ALL LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE on May 10th. Your library books AND fines need to be turned in before field trips and yearbook distribution. Please see Mrs. Sobczak if you have any questions. Thank you!

In sports news, both of our 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams took on Creekview yesterday.  The 7th grade team won in 3 sets, while the 8th grade team dismantled the raptors in two quick sets.  Great job boys….and congratulations for finishing league play in second place. Both teams will head to the playoff tournament next week.  Go Bobcats!

Attention current 6th and 7th graders.  Are you ready for some football? If you are interested in playing flag football next year, there will be a meeting about our Spring Camp in the gym at lunch on Tuesday.

Chilton Track Team….Team photos are after school today!  Make sure you bring your jersey. You may NOT wear your PE clothes.    A loaner jersey will NOT be provided.

Here is part two of the Track Trials results for our Chilton Team.  How did our school rank overall in the East Division. Number ONE! Congratulations to our Track Team.  

6th graders, next Wednesday, May 8th will be our last WEBSday Workday.  Come on by room 805 one more time to work on assignments and study.

Snowie King Naturals will be here today after school selling their delicious shave ice – $3 for a small and $5 for a large.  You will find them set up by the front bike rack.

Attention Foods Around the World club members, we will have a planning meeting on Tuesday, May 7th to plan our last feast of the year. Please grab your lunch and head to Mrs. Pajcin’s room.

Attention 6th and 7th graders who applied for next year’s Paw Print Press! Please check your email today to see if you were accepted into next year’s class.