Friday, March 29, 2019
Daily News Bulletin


Attention CJSF members: Field trip forms for our kayaking field trip are due TODAY. No exceptions.

In Sports News, Your boy’s volleyball team traveled to Granite Oaks last night. The 7th grade grade team played some awesome points and were very competitive. In the end though Granite Oaks won. The 8th grade team was able to win in straight sets thanks to great team work and some crucial points won during the game. Our next game will be next Tuesday here at Chilton. Come out and root them on!

Do you have some Bobcat Bucks burning a hole in your pocket?  Then we have a plan for you. Next Friday, April 5th, you can purchase an Otter Pop for just ONE BOBCAT BUCK.  Limit ONE Otter Pop per student. Hope to see you on the outdoor stage next Friday to get your Otter Pop.

Attention all 7th Graders: Are you interested in visiting Washington DC, New York and Boston with your classmates next summer? If your parents missed the meeting, packets are available in room 604.

6th graders, there will be NO WEBSDAY WORKDAY ON Wednesday, April 3 since we are testing next week.  See you the following week.

Hey, Bobcats! Ready to dance with the stars!?  Well, the Starry Night Dance is Tonight from 4-6! Didn’t get your ticket yet?  You still can today in the multi at lunch. Make sure you wear your flashy outfits to the dance tonight! And remember to bring your scannable ticket to enter.  We can’t wait to see you there!

It’s coming, Bobcats. Icy, sweet, refreshing and delicious lemonade. That’s right LEMONADE! At lunch on Friday, April 12th, a cool cup of this sweet nectar can be yours for only 2 Bobcat bucks! Get ready for the Chilton Lemonade Stand! Save those Bobcat Bucks now.

Monday thru Friday, April 1st – 5th, spring candy grams will be on sale.  Buy them in the multi for only $1. Brighten someone’s day with some colorful spring candy.  All candy grams will be passed back to the recipients during 6th period on Friday, April 12th.  Support Chilton and make someone smile. Buy your candy grams!

Have a suggestion or great idea for something you’d like to see at Chilton?  Maybe the perfect spirit day or rally theme? Write us a note and drop it in a suggestion box, which can be found in many classrooms around campus.  We want to hear from you!

6th and 7th graders: Are you interested in being part of next year’s yearbook staff?  If so, pick up an application from Mrs. McGee in room 804 today. Applications are due next Thursday, April 4th. 

Got what it takes to join the 2019-2020 Paw Print Press? Fill out an application today! Applications are available online through Thursday, April 4th. Go to: or stop by room 604 for details.

Interested in the Dramatic Arts?!  Then Drama may be for you for next year! Come see Mrs. Donahue in Room 802 and fill out an application today!  Applications will be due by April 10th.