Friday, August 9, 2019
Daily News Bulletin


Are you part of this year’s yearbook team?  If so, Mrs. McGee would love to have a few of you take pictures during today’s rally. If you’re interested, please see Mrs. McGee during either lunch or at the beginning of the rally. If you’re new to yearbook, our returning students will be happy to show you some photo taking tips.

.Hey Bobcats, are you looking for a place to make new friends? Would you like to hang out and play games at lunch? The We Dine Together Club is the special lunch hangout spot for you! We Dine Together will meet every Tuesday (room 607 for first lunch and room 606 for 2nd lunch.) See you on Tuesday!

Hey Bobcats – Snowie King will be here tomorrow, Friday, Aug 9, after school selling their delicious and refreshing Shave Ice.  $3 for a small and $5 for a large. You will find them set up by the front bike rack. Don’t forget to bring your money!!!

Welcome back Chilton athletes.  Are you ready to dust off those running shoes.  Cross Country will begin next Thursday. This is one of the two sports that all grade levels can participate in.  There will be an informational meeting next Tuesday. More details to come so listen carefully to the school bulletin each morning.  So that you can plan your week next week. There will be cross country practice Thursday and Friday after school from 3:15-4:30.

7th Grade Girls pay attention!!!! If you are interested in trying out for Volleyball see Mrs. Musky today or Monday during lunch so you can get an athletic participation paper.  Try-outs will start Tuesday August 13 after school.

Library will be closed this week and part of next week due to textbook checkout.