Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
Attention Chilton Cross Country athletes. Tomorrow, Wednesday, is our after school end-of-the- season pizza party, however, many of you have not returned your washed jerseys. In order to attend the party you must have returned your jersey directly to Mr. Ratcliff.
8th Grade Girls Volleyball, team party today at lunch in the Gym. Turn in your uniform.
Dodgeball- Games start this Wednesday in the Gym at lunch.
Volleyball girls please remember to turn in your washed jersey’s as soon as possible. Thank you
It is time to fire up the next season of the 5K Running Club. We meet up Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Thursday after school will be our first run. See Mr. Ratcliff to pick up the required paperwork.
CJSF Members – If you need volunteer hours to meet your trimester 1 volunteering requirement, check your school email for details about helping at Junction’s Fall Carnival. Questions? See Mrs. Sterdt ASAP.
This is the last full week for our coffee fundraiser! Here’s a great sales tip to get those last orders in: Remind your family and friends freshly roasted coffee packaged with a custom Chilton Coffee Label makes a great gift!! They can get their holiday shopping done and support Chilton at the same time!! Coffee will be delivered in time for the holidays