Thursday, May 9, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
If you had art in the Art Show, and want to come pick it up, stop by Mrs. Murray’s room (EXO4) at lunch today (THURSDAY) or tomorrow (FRIDAY).
CJSF Meeting at Lunch TODAY.
Attention 8th Graders: If you would like to give a speech at the promotion ceremony, turn in a draft of your speech to Mrs. Allison by Friday, May 10th. Questions? Stop by room 604 at lunch or before school.
Our Chilton track team did a fantastic job yesterday at Finals. Our team ranked 3rd out of 15 schools overall. Way to go team.
In Volleyball News, Our 8th grade boys volleyball team had their playoff games last night. First they played Cavitt and the boys beat them in straight sets 2-0. Then they had to play the defending champions from Olympus Middle School. The boys lost the first set but came out strong in set number 2 with that the Bobcats never looked back and went on to WIN and become the EAST DIVISION CHAMPIONS! Congratulations boys. They have ONE MORE GAME TONIGHT, here at Chilton. They play SILVERADO and the game will start at 5:00. Bobcats get in for free so come support the team and have a lot of fun cheering them on.
Hello Chilton Track team. Our end of the season team party has been moved up to Tuesday, May 14th. In order to attend you will need to return your washed jersey directly to Mr. Ratcliff. Again, Chilton Track team be sure to return your washed jersey to Mr. Ratcliff in order to attend the end of the season track pizza party.
How far can YOU run? It’s time to fire up the old 5K Club again. We will meet for the end of the school year edition of the club this Thursday after school in the usual spot. See you there! If you are curious about joining, talk to Mr. Ratcliff.
Attention 6th and 7th Graders! If you are interested in joining the Chilton Robotics class for next year, please drop by Mr. Blake’s class TODAY during lunch for more information! See you there!
Bobcats: ALL LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE TOMORROW, May 10th! You need to turn in your library books and library fines before end of the year activities.
Bobcats: the Self Care Scavenger Hunt on Today at Lunch and after school only!!!. Head to the outdoor stage, grab your checklist and find the 10 locations on campus. Just for participating you will be given Candy, Oreo’s & Otter Pops! 12 winners possible. Prizes include: Movie Tickets, Laser Tag, Pizza, Tons of Meal Vouchers, Stance Socks & more! Let’s recognize Mental Health Awareness Day because half of us will experience a mental health challenge in our lifetime. All of us have a reason to speak up.
Have you noticed the campaign posters hanging around campus? Those are some of your fellow Bobcats running for office. This is ASB election week! On Friday during class, current 6th and 7th graders will be voting to determine who will represent you next year as ASB leaders. Take note of the candidates running, ask them questions that are important to you, and make sure to consider who will do the best job at representing your voice in leadership.