Monday, October 14, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
CJSF members – we will be heading to Junction Elementary this morning to read to their kindergarten classes. Please meet Mrs. Sterdt at 10:10am at the outside lunch tables.
Attention Chilton Cross Country athletes. It is time to turn in your washed jerseys directly to Mr. Ratcliff. Wednesday is our after school party and no jersey equals no party.
It is time to fire up the next season of the 5K Running Club. We meet up Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Thursday after school will be our first run. See Mr. Ratcliff to pick up the required paperwork.
We are about half-way through our school-wide coffee fundraiser! Remember 8th grades who sell 25 coffee orders will get to choose 3 friends to sit with them on the bus ride to Six Flags during the promotion field trip. Be sure to report your sales to your 1st period teacher and help your class reach your CLASS GOAL for Krispy Kreme doughnuts!!
CJSF Members – If you need volunteer hours to meet your trimester 1 volunteering requirement, check your school email for details about helping at Junction’s Fall Carnival. Questions? See Mrs. Sterdt ASAP.