Monday, May 13, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
Hello Bobcats! I am here from the future to tell you something that will blow your mind. You are all going to experience the very last rally of the year! Our theme is “Cruisin’ Thru Time.”
Tuesday – It’s time to show the 60s and 70s some love and peace.
Wednesday – Rock the neon and bright colors for 80s day.
Thursday – Don your denim for the 90s/00s spirit day.
Friday – The Future- Wear your class color for next year! 6th graders get to wear BLUE, 7th graders wear WHITE, and 8th graders should wear the colors of the high school they’ll be attending.
Hello Chilton Track team. No jersey = no party! Our end of the season team party is tomorrow, Tuesday, after school. In order to attend you will need to return your washed jersey directly to Mr. Ratcliff. Again, Chilton Track team be sure to return your washed jersey to Mr. Ratcliff in order to attend the end of the season track pizza party. No jersey = no party!
The next 5K Club meeting is this Thursday after school.