Monday, August 12, 2019
Daily News Bulletin
7th Grade Girls pay attention!!!! If you are interested in trying out for Volleyball see Mrs. Musky during lunch in the Girls Locker Room so you can get an athletic participation paper. Try-outs will start Tuesday August 13 after school – that’s tomorrow.
Attention 8th Grade Girls interested in trying out for Volleyball. We will have tryouts this Wednesday and Thursday morning in the Gym from 7:00-8:30. Please pick up an Athletic Clearance form in the Girls PE office at lunch today and tomorrow. You must bring the form filled out to tryouts. Any questions, see Mrs. Watson.
Are you part of this year’s yearbook team? If so, Mrs. McGee would love to have a few of you take pictures during today’s rally. If you’re interested, please see Mrs. McGee during either lunch or at the beginning of the rally. If you’re new to yearbook, our returning students will be happy to show you some photo taking tips.
7th and 8th graders interested in trying out for the flag football teams please meet in room 605 tomorrow, Tuesday, morning at 8:50 for a very quick meeting to get the proper handouts. See you there!”
Hey Bobcats, are you looking for a place to make new friends? Would you like to hang out and play games at lunch? The We Dine Together Club is the special lunch hangout spot for you! We Dine Together will meet every Tuesday (room 607 for first lunch and room 606 for 2nd lunch.) See you on Tuesday!
Chilton athletes, are you ready for Cross Country? Practice begins this Thursday and Friday after school. Those who have first lunch, 8th and 7th graders, if you are interested, there will be a short informational meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday in the quad area by the lunch benches. Just look for Mr. Ratcliff. If you have second lunch, 6th and 7th graders, meet Coach Ratcliff in the gym at 12:40 to learn more about the sport. Be sure to eat your lunch first. Again, the meeting for first lunch students is after school tomorrow in the quad area and for second lunch students in the gym at 12:40.
Attention all 8th graders! If you are interested in attending a once in a lifetime trip to the East Coast this next summer, please pick up an info packet from your history teacher. We will be holding an information meeting September 12th at 5:30 in the multi. Don’t wait or it may be too late.
Are you interested in reading the daily bulletin? If so, please stop by and see Mrs. Hayden after school this week in 608.
Bobcats – Is your Annual Parent Notice in your backpack or do you have a lunch application that needs to be turned in? Please give to your teacher now.
The library will be open this Friday, the 16th at lunch to play board games. The library will be open on Monday, August 19th for regular classroom visits and library book checkouts.
Attention All First-Period Teachers: Please pass out the student planners now and have students write their first and last names on the inside cover or first page.